16 April 2018


April 10, 2018

Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) Conference

The following is a brief update regarding the rural crime discussions at the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) conference (now known as the Rural Municipalities of Alberta – RMA).

RCMP Plenary Address to the conference

New K-Division commander has visited 40 of the 114 (?) communities thus far. Deputy Commissioner Todd Shean was appointed in March 2017.  He spoke to rural crime and strategies of action RCMP will be taking:

  1. Pockets of Crime Reduction via CR Teams (4 districts)
-          There will be boarders for these districts
-          Cannot keep arresting our way of this problem
-          Partnering with core agencies to break the cycle
-          Individual will get identified – “we know who they are”
-          RCMP work will be supported by a robust intelligence community
-          Rural Crime Watch and Citizens on Patrol will have agreements with RCMP
-          Work together to get the needed intelligence including Sheriffs/Wildlife officers etc.
  1. Freeing up officers to be on the road
-          Free up from data input
-          Data to be done by “Pro’s Data Centre” (civilians) thus freeing up officers
  1. Better Manage calls for service
-          Thereby allowing officers to be on the front line
  1. Dialogue with Government of Alberta
-          Funding provided of $8 million to support district teams, Pro’s Data Centre support and other initiatives to free up officers to do front line work.
  1. Recruiting
-          Need to do a better job
-          Will be working with First Nations Communities on this as well

Above plan has the support of RCMP, Gov’t of AB, rural communities.

Emphasized need help in achieving – need eyes and ears of Rural Crime watch, other orgs. And the public to gather data which will allow RCMP to direct resources.
Some of the initial initiatives are underway and already starting to see results.

Assistant Deputy Minister of Solicitor General spoke to AAMDC:

Message loud and clear about rural crime.  He outlined work being done by dept. and with the federal gov’t to improve over time:
  1. Federal minister announced $327,000,000 over the next number of years to address “guns/gangs” – serious concern related to rural crime.  Further discussions will be happening in April/May to make final decision on projects.
  2. Government of AB – 6-7-point plan forward with Feds (for example – crime prevent (catch kids early via education) – better exit strategies (for kids in the system) – Enforcement that will compliment RCMP strategy – AB Law Enforcement response teams – researched (inform/lead).
  3. Can’t continue “catch and release” complex issues to deal with
  4. Integrated Offender Management Initiative – a wraparound of services for the offender for the right outcomes
  5. Crown Prosecutors – add as well as provide the right info to them to do their job
  6. Restorative Justice – piloted in Calgary – more positive intervention – initial data gathered is compelling – 97% reported satisfaction with the service – potential for the future
  7. Police Advisory Committees – helping with professionalism/accountability/police mental health/client mental health (addressing and training)/sexual assault investigations (approx. 30,000 files being reviewed quality of investigations and training of investigators/interagency environment development/guidelines for across province.
  8. Sol Gen is putting in a lot of work in the department/working with RCMP to address rural crime/plan very detailed/results orientated
  9. Minister has not provided any direction to open the provincial funding model agreement.
  10. Spoke to enhanced positions
  11. Spoke to RCMP communication with Rural Crime Watch and other stakeholders – there will be “point persons” (intel officers) who will be a point of contact for Rural Crime Watches and other stakeholders/will be reaching out to RCW’s

Both presenters were very clear that the message about rural crime has been received and both are working to address.

Two resolutions you will be interested in that passed at the AAMDC convention:  2-18S: Combatting Rural Crime; 3-18S: Increase Crown Prosecutor Staffing Levels for Rural Municipalities; 12-18S:  Victim Services Units Funding.
These can be viewed on line at:  www.aamdc.com/convention/64-resolutions

It is very encouraging to hear from both speakers.  There are plans in place, funding to support and staffing supports.  Both noted early strategies are starting to see results.  AAMDC will provide an updated to resolutions and work with the Sol. Gen. and RCMP to continue to address rural crime in Alberta.