
For Immediate Release
February 21, 2018
Morinvillle RCMP Investigate Break and Enter at Liquor Store
Morinville, Alberta – Morinville RCMP are investigating a brazen break and enter that occurred on February 17, 2018 at about 04:40 am at the Great Canadian Liquor Store in Morinville. RCMP attended to the location and found that the suspects had smashed out the front windows and pulled off the security bars with the use of a vehicle. Entry was made and a large quantity of liquor was stolen.
Surveillance video was obtained and three unidentified suspects were seen in a light (silver or white) coloured Dodge mini van with a missing back passenger side hub cab.
About 40 minutes prior to the break and enter RCMP have identified the three suspects on surveillance video outside of business on 98th street and 98th avenue in the Morinville industrial area going through equipment.
Suspect #1: Male, thin build, wearing a white coveralls (Tyvek suit), white mask, black hood, dark ball cap with white insignia, and black and white gloves.
Suspect #2: Male, blue coveralls with yellow and grey reflective marking, light coloured ball cap (may have sunglasses resting on brim), and yellow gloves. The male appears to have a black balaclava covering his face.
Suspect #3: Male, dark blue coveralls with a hood, skeleton mask, possibly wearing a vest or backpack over top.
The relationship between the RCMP and the members of our communities is a partnership. We need residents to be the eyes and ears of their communities and to report suspicious activity as soon as they are aware.
If you have any information about this break and enter, please contact the Morinville RCMP at 780-939-4520. If you wish to remain anonymous you can contact Crime Stoppers by phone 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or by internet at www.tipsubmit.com You do not have to reveal your identity to Crime Stoppers and if you provide information to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest you may be eligible for a cash reward.
- Photos attached of the suspects –