Subject: Francoise's Feature
November 12, 2015
Greetings everyone,
The weather is getting cooler and with that we hope it will forestall some of the thefts. Fairhaven and Silver Chief Estates have been quite heavily targeted – first it was our aluminum and plastic signs from private property and now it has been thefts of property. Robert re-installed another aluminum sign with lag bolts but the thieves come well supplied with tools and that one was stolen as well. Robert is engraving the license number from our utility trailer on the backs of the signs. The decision was made to not install or reinstall anymore signs until spring and anti-theft screws will then be used.
We have noticed that the paint has come off some of our plastic signs. We will replace them for you and when we return them to the Provincial Board we will be reimbursed.
On October 24, 2015 Ken, Herman, Viv, Norm and Francoise attended the Zone 5 meeting in Smoky Lake. A report is provided on this link.
Susan Evans, Councilor for Division 2 in Sturgeon County, attended our November meeting. She was able to clarify issues of concern i.e. traffic etc. within Sturgeon County. You will notice we are now listed on the County’s Community Calendar.
Some of our members have noticed that for some time they have not received e-mails from SRCWA. Dan, our Communications Director, has been having difficulty with sending out the e-mails and at times, the majority of the e-mails have come back to him. He is currently working on resolving the problem and he has made progress. Dan will be sending out an e-mail explaining what has taken place and what the next step will be. There is no information available to SRCW to post until it is released from the RCMP.
On Tuesday December 8th we will have our Potluck Christmas Dinner. It will be held at the Provincial Building in Morinville at 6:30. SRCW will supply the turkey and ham and we ask that anyone attending bring a favorite dish. Members and guests are welcome. We will enjoy a traditional Christmas Dinner and have the opportunity to relax and visit. Our regular meetings are strictly business and don’t allow for visiting and enjoying each other’s company. We look forward to our Christmas Dinner and hope whoever can is able to join us.
See you on the 8th.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at
Francoise Meunier
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This message is made possible by the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association in partnership with the Morinville RCMP.
If you have any information in respect to this incident or know of any crime or criminal activity, please call the Morinville RCMP at 780-939-4550 or Toll Free at 780-459-7689. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL 9-1-1.
Please visit the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association's Website at ; www.sturgeonruralcrimewatch. org for more information.