14 January 2016

SRCWA #2016008 - Francoise's Feature January

January 13, 2016
Greetings to all our Members and a Very Happy New Year. 
Our first meeting of 2016 was held last night with many members in attendance. There were many items on the agenda; some I will tell you about now, and the rest will come after more discussion during our February meeting. 
On December 17 seven of our members joined a group of volunteers for the Candy Cane Check. This was done in co-operation with the Town of Morinville Peace Officers and the RCMP. The purpose of the Check is to promote safe driving, no drinking and driving and to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Although it was a “tad” cold it was well worthwhile and we look forward to doing it again next year. 
In January SRCWA was featured on the front page of the Legal-lerie – a local paper that is presented by the Chamber of Commerce in Legal. I have also been interviewed by the St Albert Gazette regarding SRCWA. It will only be in the St Albert publication not the Sturgeon County one. 
Dan – our Communication Director –and our zone and associate directors continue to update our membership. Currently there are a number of members who still receive phone-out messages. That is quite costly and time consuming and is being replaced by an email system. If you or anyone you know has an e-mail address that Dan can send fan-out messages to, please contact him. His e-mail address is communications@sturgeonruralcrimewatch.org 
Ken Okerman, our vice-president, is in charge of the Casino our members will be working on Tuesday January 19th and Wednesday January 20th. This is our major fundraiser and will be at the Apex Casino in St. Albert. If anyone has questions regarding the casino please contact Ken at kcokerman@gmail.com. Ken is also in charge of selling our t-shirts. They are black with our yellow logo on the left shoulder area – they are good quality and sell for $16.00. 
Our next major event is the Provincial Annual General Meeting. It is being held in Hanna on Friday, Feb 5 and Saturday, February 6th. Robert, Ken, Carol, Viv, Herman and I will be attending. Our group will be bringing forth three resolutions:
  1. That the minutes of the AGM be distributed to all member associations within one month of the meeting being held; 
  2. That the APRCWA establish a procedure and fixed date for the submission of resolutions and that a notice of the date a minimum of two months in advance of the submission deadline, and; 
  3. That a one day format be adopted for the AGM and PAGS, that it be limited to the PAGS and AGM and that the APRCWA be responsible for organizing the day’s events.
As it stands now (Point 1) we receive the minutes at any time within the year ---we received the February 2015 minutes last week. For the most part, most of us have forgotten what took place at the meeting therefore are not able to speak to any errors or omissions. (Point 2) To this date there has been nothing in writing in the Provincial board by-laws stating to whom the resolutions are submitted, by what format and by what date. (Point 3) Up until now different crime watch zones are asked to co-host the PAGS/AGM -- it is a tremendous amount of work and expense for each group. We believe that by changing it to a one day event, the Provincial Board could easily organize and fully fund it. Some of the RCW groups are struggling to keep their heads above water and to take on co-hosting is a huge financial and time undertaking. 
All this being said, the six of us who are attending are looking forward to it. We really hope our resolutions are passed and that we can move on to a better working relationship with the Provincial Board and to focus on our own groups. 
Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to thank our Board Members for being committed to SRCWA and always being prepared to take on duties that continue to keep us a viable group. The support from our general membership is also greatly appreciated. I look forward to another great year and I hope all of our members do too. 
If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at president@sturgeonruralcrimewatch.org
Thank you, 
Francoise Meunier


This message is made possible by the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association in partnership with the Morinville RCMP.
If you have any information in respect to this incident or know of any crime or criminal activity, please call the Morinville RCMP at 780-939-4550 or Toll Free at 780-459-7689.

Please visit the Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch Association's Website at: www.sturgeonruralcrimewatch.org for more information.

Dan Antoniuk
Communications Director
Zone 9 Director

Please forward this message to your friends and neighbours and ask them to join SRCWA.

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